
All prepared to do the Camino, do you have everything?

Backpack, perfectly calculated clothes, essential toiletries, planned route, list of possible places to stop, ... do not you forget something?

Preparing a trip is one of those sensations that we like and overwhelm us in equal parts. Although in our organization or daily planning we like to pull a lot of improvisation, when it comes to traveling we are very much making lists. This shorts, this long, shirts for several days, underwear, cell phone charger, sun cream, this "just in case" ... does the situation sound? We like to have everything tied as much as possible but there are many occasions in which in trips that we consider short or close we do not pay attention to a basic element of our adventure: travel insurance.

We fill the suitcase with "just in case", but we never think about the "just in case I'm straining an ankle" or "what if I have a mishap during the trip?". In this sense, we have become accustomed to going very lightly, but if you are a confirmed traveler, this type of detail will not escape you, as there are countries that are required to travel with a type of insurance, for example Cuba , Russia or Iran.

In this case, even if the adventure consists of doing the Camino de Santiago with three friends for five days, it is not advisable to leave at random possible missteps (never better said) that any member of the expedition can suffer. In Galicia the "bad will be" is used a lot to minimize the importance of this type of procedures and procedures, but we forget that "the jar was so much to the source that it finally breaks". So it is possible that this "bad guy" will turn into a "bad guy". How to avoid it? Hiring a travel insurance and subtract a risk to our vacation.

Of course, you should spend a little time and choose the insurance that best suits the type of trip to be made. It is not the same to go on a weekend to a spa 50 kilometers from home, than to go for a month in India. For the latter case, there are insurances that include international coverage in a complete and flexible way, through which you can choose different types of policies and customize some of them to make it more adapted to the needs of the traveler. Medical assistance, cancellation or interruption of the route, lost or diverted baggage, delays in flights, travel accident, legal protection ... there are many aspects to consider.

If you are going to do the Camino de Santiago, you will not need to have coverage on flights because you will do the whole journey on foot or by bicycle, but you should not underestimate the services of assistance to the traveler. From simple scratches or wounds to sprains, falls, bone or muscle injuries ... the pilgrim -especially the beginner- is not made of iron, so it includes some type of insurance, even if it is the basic one, in your precious list before start your experience To encourage you to book your travel insurance, Intermundial offers the discount code INTERM10. Do not forget to use it and good way!