
El Camino is arranged in Arcos da Condesa or yes

This stretch belongs to the Portuguese Way, one of the most visited today by domestic and foreign tourists

The residents of Santa Marina de Arcos da Condesa, parish council of Caldas de Reis, have spent months demanding improvements adaptation to the stretch of the Camino de Santiago that runs through the parish, because it is currently in very poor condition. This stretch belongs to the Portuguese Way, one of the most visited today by domestic and foreign tourists.

Finally the nearest institution has responded to the protests of neighbors; Mayor of Caldas de Reis, Juan Manuel Rey (PSOE), met during yesterday with a group of neighbors Ameal to discuss the problem and possible solutions. It seems that the route will be fixed or yes, but the competition is the regional government.If the regional government decides not to take this remodeling, the council will request permission to Heritage Society and Jacobean Management Plan to execute the work.