
Legends of the Camino de Santiago: The wolf who saved the pilgrim

Here is one of the most magical legends that word of mouth by the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route since has memory

Fear of the assailants on the Camino

Best times has the population of wolves lived in the current Iberian Peninsula, but certainly also worse, then remember that until 1970 the hunting of these animals (considered pests in Spain) was encouraged by the authorities. Today they are a protected species, but nevertheless their number (based on estimates, not actual census) is far from the population living in Spain centuries ago, with the Camino de Santiago in the medieval heyday. The Camino should be definitely full of wolves, which makes a lot of sense to the legend that today we take to you precisely for a very special wolf and an unfortunate pilgrim.

Legend has it that a pilgrim from Lapurdi, in the French Basque Country, roamed the dangerous lands of the northern peninsula in the Pyrenees, near Roncesvalles. If these lands were dangerous was the large number of bandits and robbers that has roamed these roads, attacking pilgrims road to Santiago de Compostela. Just one of these pilgrims decided to spend the night at an inn in this mountainous area to shelter from the dark, when already in her room, I was surprised by another pilgrim, apparently also seeking shelter.

Honoring the camaraderie that permeates the Camino de Santiago, the two pilgrims became friends quickly, to the point that our protagonist offered the new host of his bedroom walk the route together to Santiago de Compostela to better defend the calamities that might be found. The new host readily agreed to accompany him, and both continued on their way the next morning, but little lasted the idyllic alliance, because when both pilgrims penetrated into a remote wooded area of ​​all prying eyes, our pilgrim wanted to found his back treacherously stabbed. His new companion was nothing but a crook who had vilely chosen strategy to deceive the pilgrims earning their trust.

The pilgrim who saw Santiago in the eyes of a wolf

The miseries of our pilgrim multiplied by checking the villain that he had nothing of true value, so that stripping him punished for all their belongings and throwing down a hillside as God brought the world, slowly bleeding to death. Unable to prevent the night enveloped him, the pilgrim, unable to move checked as fate still had saved a new letter to him when he saw in the distance a herd of direct approach to him wolves. Despite its sorry state the pilgrim could see a glow coming out of the eyes of one of the wolves, which confirmed when he was just a few feet away.

Believing see Santiago reincarnated himself before him, the pilgrim asked for help to the apostle to at least not be swallowed up by the pack of wolves around him, but never came to attack him. So it was; our pilgrim could die in peace and face the eternal rest, but not before Santiago beg for the salvation of his soul, knowing that his sad end was near. Legend has it that the wolf luminous eyes spooked the herd to stop the pilgrim finally rest his regret and were available to face an important charge: avenge the unfortunate pilgrim.

His executioner, the twisted villain continued his walk along the pilgrimage route until he decided to stop at a mountain hut, thinking himself safe, but in the middle of the night when his snoring were deeper, I was surprised by the pack of wolves, led by wolf luminous eyes, behind the legend who was the apostle Santiago. Despite his awkward stabs the air with his still stained knife, the villain was slain by wolves, supervised at all times by the mysterious protective figure, that never would have taken sides reckoning.

The Camino de Santiago, free of hoodlums for one day every 100 years

A soul legend of Santiago in the body Wolf joins the tradition that every hundred years wolves remember the day of death Pilgrim and howl all night, forcing the thugs Way to stop next to his office for a day if they want to deal with the wolf luminous eyes. Centuries later this wolf has become a legendary figure that has protected the pilgrims once every hundred years when they cross the Pyrenees, although we fear that today are not the bad guys what we most fear across this mountainous area destination Roncesvalles, if not bad weather and especially the lack of experience.