
Fuentesnuevas neighbors favor the empowerment of a new shelter for pilgrims

By the time the project has not started due to lack of funds, but several organizations have already applied for funding to the administration

Thanks to the cooperation of the residents of the hamlet of Fuentesnuevas Ponferrada, pilgrims could soon have a place to go to any situation. The goal is to make a shelter for pilgrims to the assigned to the Neighborhood Board Fuentesnuevas by Dolinda and Nolis family, which will have to be conditioned for this purpose property.

The refuge is located in the neighborhood of Campo, very close to the official route of the Camino de Santiago. The Divine Christ Fuentesnuevas Association is in talks with the owners of a loan from the neighboring annex building, to include it in this project, and so put both places at the same time. Those responsible expect this retreat includes a bunk area, showers and toilet and a kitchenette. By the time the project has not started due to lack of financial resources.

However, both the Board and the Divine Neighborhood Association Fuentesnuevas Christ, are in talks with management to secure funding. Both associations also provide own funds. If the project gets funded, it would become the first refuge of pilgrims from the town.