
Doing the Way of Saint James in 2021: Reasons and tips if you dare

The Camino de Santiago is a unique experience that thousands of people live every year and that attracts many more over time

Reasons to do the Camiño de Santiago during o Xacobeo 2021-2022

Even though the year 2021 is directly sprinkled with the COVID-19 pandemic that is taking place in 2020, there are different poles to realize this year. The year 2021 is very special for the Cathedral of Santiago, which is the most important event of the year, as it is the Xacobeo. This is the main reason why the pilgrim should not miss the walk this year, besides other reasons that make this experience unique.

Walking the Camino de Santiago in a year Xacobeo

If the Camino de Santiagodoes not attract enough pilgrims every year, or if the year 2021 is the year of the most important events for this pilgrimage route. The Jacobean Year occurs once every few years, being the last 11 years that have passed. This is the way all the pilgrims who wish to attend the event that takes place in the Cathedral of Santiago in honor of the Apostle, on Sunday 25th of July, will be able to do so.

Enjoy unsurpassable landscapes

As well as being able to make the Camino de Santiago from different geographical points, from the roadway we will be able to enjoy unsurpassable landscapes. In all the xacobean roteiros we must cross hundreds of kilometers that cross different localities and roteiros in the heat of nature, or that will allow us to discover incribles panoramic of the rich and varied Spanish xeography.

Overcoming your limits

The Camino de Santiago is, besides, a unique experience that helps us to free ourselves from the daily routine, one of the healthiest ways to overcome all our limits. The road means a great physical effort, so that each person can do it at his own pace, something that translates into a daily challenge where we can demonstrate that with willingness and perseverance we can achieve everything we want.

A connection with nature

Since the COVID-19 pandemic and the corentine epidemic have caused tension throughout society, many people need to disconnect and recharge their batteries. The Camino de Santiago is the best solution to get out of the daily routine and get it, because it shows us unique places where you can avoid the problems and connect directly with nature.

Tips to make the Camino de Santiago in 2021

In addition, the situation related to the pandemic of COVID-19 xa mellorou moito in the last months, or virus aínda is present pole that hai que ter coidado á hour of saír, in the same way that to enhance or Camiño de Santiago. Anyone who is going to walk the road this year should be aware of the same restrictions established by the pandemic.
One of the most important reasons to be aware of when making the Camino de Santiago during the Xacobeo 2021-2022 is that the restoration establishments and shelters have limited capacity. This directly affects the pilgrims, whose rest depends on the end of each stage, and one of the main ways to eat food is in the pilgrimage. In this sense, it is necessary to get information about the situation in each town to know possible alternatives that help us to continue with our journey. 
Another point to keep in mind is that it is necessary to use masks during the whole journey. This supposes that we will need to take the necessary masks to cross or roteiro xacobeo elixido of safe form, besides doutras cousas like or hydroalcoholic xel that will allow us to disinfect us after calquera stopped.