
The 10 best photos of the week in Vive el Camino (November 5 to 11)

These are the tenth most valued photos of the Camino de Santiago this week by our community of pilgrims

The best photos of the pilgrims community of ViveCamino

The appearance of the Camino de Santiago is evolving and adapting to these dates of the year. We can already enjoy beautiful autumn landscapes, see how you suffer the abundant rains that flood the paths and receive the first snowfall of the season, as in O Cebreiro. One more week we bring you your most valued photographs by the community of ViveCamino through our account of Instagram, which we encourage you to follow, since there we share with you the best photos of the Camino with our community. If you want to share with the community your best photos of the Camino, just mention us through Instagram, Facebook or Twitter or upload your photos directly in

Here are the 10 most valued photos this week by the community:

10. Vistas del puerto de Ribadeo, por @camino_marcus 

9. "No es el jorobado de Notre Dame, soy yo" (en la etapa Arque - Ostabat), por @fdg7765fdg 

8. Etapa otoñal del Camino de Santiago, por @sam_compion 

7. "Etapa tras etapa, misma pareja, misma escena, sol o agua, siempre de la mano", por @belenbelenxu 

6. Disfrutando el camino que queda por delante, @luke_oldham27

5. "No es un río, es el camino a Lichos en la frontera con el País Vasco", por @fdg7765fdg

4. "Paso a paso", por@misabelha bajo la neblina de Portomarín

3. En el Alto de San Roque, por @artabra.7

2. "Última subida a falta de llegar al cabo Finisterre, por @_lluva_

1. ¡La nieve llegó a OCebreiro!, por @artabra.7