
Walking the Camino de Santiago as a couple: Why should you try it?

Have you ever thought about traveling the Camino de Santiago with your partner? Undoubtedly will bring to your life in common some benefits that we should not underestimate.

✔ Why do the Camino de Santiago with your partner is a safe bet?

Each pilgrim is free to do the Camino de Santiago as and with whom he pleases (while respecting others) and the truth is that all companies are equally valid to walk the Jacobean route. Whether in a group, with a friend or with a family member, with our partner or just alone, the Camino welcomes us with open arms, although the experience is taking different nuances.

On other occasions we have already talked about the advantages and disadvantages of doing the Camino alone, but today we want to tell you about the benefits you will find if you decide to do the Camino de Santiago as a couple, which are not few. The Camino de Santiago is a totally different experience compared to any conventional trip you can organize with your partner; It is an adventure in which you will spend many hours and days (or even weeks) together and in a certain way it will help you to know yourself even better.

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There are several compelling reasons to trust that the Camino de Santiago will further strengthen your ties with your partner; These are only some of them:

1. You will overcome your limits together

The Camino de Santiago has a special power to unite bonds between people, especially those with which you walk from beginning to end, with which you leave home. To travel the Jacobean route is for many of us to leave the comfort zone and to see ourselves exposed to conditions to which we are not at all accustomed. The physical effort, the weather, the injuries, and in general the unusual situations that the Camino exposes us sometimes take us to the limit as people, however, as a couple we have the opportunity to support ourselves in the other person, helping us mutually improve ourselves and discover together another part of us that perhaps we did not know.

2. You will know each other in the good, but also in the bad

Many agree that the Camino de Santiago is a very useful tool to be tested before taking a more important step in a relationship, such as deciding to live together sharing a home. The reason is that if you decide to do the Camino with your partner, you will have no choice but to share the same time and space 24 hours a day, a perfect time to get to know each other better and put us to the test, both good and bad. The Camino de Santiago will sometimes put us in front of problems, debates and perfect crossroads to put people to the test, a perfect occasion to show respect, tolerance and empathy (or the absence of these virtues). The result of this "examination" of life can be very useful to draw conclusions and make decisions for the future.

3. You will recover the time to really talk

With life tied to schedules, obligations and routines that many of us carry, always away from home, we do not always have the opportunity to enjoy the company of our partner. The rush and responsibilities leave us little time to really live together, that's why it's so important to take advantage of free time, vacation days, to make up for lost time and the Camino de Santiago is perfect for it. Walking with the most important person in your environment is perfect to get to know you again, strengthen ties that have been weakened by the wear of time and help each other to vent. One of the best virtues that the Camino de Santiago helps to cultivate as nobody else is to listen (something increasingly disused); practice it and you will be rewarded.

4. You will live an experience to always remember

Last but not least, we must remember that the Camino de Santiago is a different experience than what you are probably used to. It can be the breath of fresh air you need with your partner to get out of the routine and meet the challenge of trying new adventures. It is true that you have to prepare physically in advance and it entails a planning as to which Jacobean route you will travel, but the truth is that in the end nobody regrets taking the step. The Camino de Santiago engages and if the experience comes to your spirits, it is very likely that it will become a habitual destination for you, your place of personal retreat and disconnection.

Do you need more reasons to do the Camino de Santiago as a couple? If you can think of more reasons that are worth trying, leave them in the comments.