
The Mozarabic Way, the first equestrian itinerary approved in Galicia

Once the signaling works are completed, you will receive recognition from the Royal Spanish Equestrian Federation

The Mozarabic Way is about to become the first equestrian route officially recognized by the Royal Horse Riding Federation of Spain. The route will be homologated after the end of the signs that are currently being carried out and this week the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, visited San Cristovo de Cea. The Xunta has invested 48,000 euros in the conditioning of the route to its passage through Galicia and in its signage. In the absence of the definitive approval of the federation, the route, initially part of Andalucia will begin its journey in the town of La Mezquita for 236.6 kilometers, joining the Vía de la Plata to conclude in Santiago de Compostela and crossing up to three Provinces of Galicia.

From Jaen, Malaga, Cordoba or Almeria, from where the Mozarabic Way departs, pilgrims can depart on their Jacobean route to Santiago de Compostela, crossing Andalusia to Merida, in Extremadura, where the Mozarab joins the Via de la Silver. The Mozarabic Way runs through Andalusian lands for 380 kilometers, a route that from the tenth century has led the devotion of the southern pilgrims to the remains of the Apostle Santiago.