Doing the Camino de Santiago with your dog (I)

Here are some basic tips to prepare for the trip with your dog if you are thinking of doing the Camino de Santiago with it. Travelling by bike or on foot, the experience can be unique if you consider some important factors.

Doing the Camino de Santiago with your dog (I)
Make the Camino with your dog (I)

Make the Camino with your dog (I)

Transport, if you travel by bike

If you are the kind of person that loves so much your pet, and you always want to take him with you anywhere you go, this wont be an exception! He can enjoy this trip as much as you do!! So, I’m going to give you some tips and advices to make this experience the best!!

Usually the first thought is a basket. This option is only possible if you have a small dog otherwise you will have some inconvenient like:

  • No room for the dog

  • We can´t ride as well as you want, it’s easy to lose stability while you are riding or when you want to make a turn, you must be careful with your animal.

You can take your dog walking, you must be consider with him because that capabilities and resistance are different according to each breed!

That’s why the best option is a trailer, these are different that the ones we used for the luggage , are adapted to carry animals and to make them comfortable , and more reasons you will find below . 7 reasons to choose the trailer:

  • The dog is comfortable.

  • Is more safety.

  • He can sleep while you travel.

  • He can see the landscape.

  • The dog can get on and off the trailer when he wants.

  • He is protected from the cold and rain.

  • He can rest.

Alternatives to trailer

Besides the Little baskets and trailers you can find many cheap anchorages and straps to make the Camino de Santiago with your favorite pet. But you always must consider two things: the safety and the comfort.

There are also many news straps that you can hook to your bike, this will help you to prevent your dog walking between the wheels and avoiding accidents.

Remember that your dog is an animal and he depends on you so you will have to organized and plan everything including him on every decision you make.

Watch your dog!

There are many dogs that are used to walk alone near his owner, these dogs are excellent pilgrims, but there are many areas across the roads where are forbidden for animals to walk alone, like a Parques Naturales and Parques Regionales.

These areas are usually very crowded you might find some people that doesn’t like or and scared of dogs, also you can be near highways and it can be dangerous for you, your dogs and the drivers.

Now you can plan your travel with your best friend!

La Voz de Galicia La Voz de Asturias

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