A journey of just over 70 kilometers divided into three simple stages: the first two are traveled on foot, and the third and last one by boat.


Do you plan to walk the Camino de Santiago with your children? Which route is best for them? We tell you what you will need before launching with children to the Jacobean route

ARTICLE Doing the Camino de Santiago in June: What you should know?

If you want to do the Camino de Santiago in June, this is everything you need to know


The Camino de Santiago is full of impressive cathedrals born on the side of one of the most important commercial and religious routes of medieval Europe.


Having a first-aid kit with everything you need when doing the Camino de Santiago, will help make the routes more comfortable and enjoyable


As a general rule, remember that the total weight of your backpack should be around 10% of the total weight of your body to not become a hell on your back

Tips of the Camino de Santiago

In our pilgrim blog you will find the best advice about the Camino de Santiago

Curiosities of the Camino de Santiago

In our pilgrim blog you will find the best curiosities about the Camino de Santiago

Traveling on the Camino de Santiago

All the curiosities you'll find on the Camino de Santiago

Gastronomy of the Camino de Santiago

In our blog of the pilgrim you will find the best gastronomy on the Camino de Santiago

Social network of the Camino de Santiago

There are many ways to get to Santiago, but none with as much tradition as this ancient route that in the XXI century has become an international phenomenon in which coexist spiritual, cultural and tourism elements

Routes of the Camino de Santiago

Discover all the routes that make up the Camino de Santiago.


The French way

Without doubt the itinerary with the most historical tradition in the Camino de Santiago. This French born route borders around the Pyrenees and Crosses the Iberian Peninsula from east to west. Approaching Galicia by the legendary climb to O Cebreiro.


The Northern Way

Pilgrimage route via the Asturian- Galician coast, the Camino dates back to the IX century. Reaching Galician soil in Ribadeo.


The Primitive Way

The oldest route in the Camino de Santiago is now considered by many to be the one of greatest beauty, of challenging layout, yet not too crowded, it follows the footsteps of the first pilgrims.


English Way

The route taken by pilgrims from northern and western Europe who arrived by boat to the coast of A Coruña and continued on foot to Santiago


The Portuguese Way

A Medieval route of the Camino de Santiago that runs north from Portugal and enters Galicia on the banks of the River Miño


The Finisterre – Muxia Way

A single path with its departure point in Santiago and with its end goal at the Cape of Finisterre, the westernmost point of Europe and the Sanctuary of Virxe de Barca in Muxia.

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Camino de Santiago

ViveCamino: All you must know about the Camino de Santiago

If you're wondering what is the Camino de Santiago, the first thing you should know is that is the largest pilgrimage path in Europe, with over a thousand years of history behind it and being transit each year for thousands of pilgrims. Whether you come from the north through the French Way or south by the Portuguese Way, all routes come to an end in Santiago de Compostela, where it's said that the relics of the apostle lie. St. James would have been buried in that land after evangelize it, although the starting points of the pilgrimage are many and varied.

If you are planning to take your backpack and begin your pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela or simply your are passionate about the Jacobean Route, ViveCamino is the perfect place for you.

Here you will find information on how to prepare your journey, the routes that will take you to Santiago, all the news of the Camino and of course a social tool that will help you meeting other pilgrims all around the world.

Vive el Camino

The keys of the Camino

We want to bring you all the keys to plan your Camino de Santiago in the best way possible, providing all the information necessary to know thoroughly the routes that best suit you, its stages, where to eat and where to stay, within the broad offer you'll find in your route. You will also find everything you need to know to equip before starting your journey, how to get to your departure point and finally returning home from Santiago.

We also consider the wide and varied cultural offer of the Camino de Santiago and the day-to-day of the Jacobean Route, so you're aware of the state of the routes of the Camino, its architectural heritage or news of an institutional nature that will be happening. The Camino de Santiago is a living environment that involves tens of thousands of people across Europe around the figure of the pilgrim.

The most comprehensive guide to the Camino de Santiago

Discover Vive el Camino, the new social network focused 100% on the Camino de Santiago, where not only can see all the routes and stages to plan your trip, if you do not share and enjoy the best images and content of the pilgrimage route, pilgrim to pilgrim. In addition to bring all advice on what to carry in your backpack the road, without neglecting the most complete coverage of news of the pilgrimage route, which each year moves more pilgrims.

The best help for pilgrims

We bring in the form of advice all the pilgrim has to know before taking the backpack and leave home to do the Camino de Santiago, either the first time you dare or whether you are a veteran. We answer questions like What route do? What time of year we should make the Camino? o What should I bring in the backpack?, in addition to explain all the details surrounding the pilgrimage.

All routes of the Camino and its stages, retail

In Vive el Camino also you will find a review in detail each of the official routes of the Camino de Santiago, step by step, and an extensive reference guide services, accommodation, catering and connections of each of the localities through which passes, so you always know what you are getting before you arrive. Well choose the busy French Way or Camino del Norte, spectacular Atlantic views, we always have all the information in the palm of your hand, so if you prefer to consult Vive el Camino through our app on iOS and Android.

Reports, current affairs and tips for pilgrims

On the other side in Vive el Camino we want to give a special present to the Camino de Santiago, we deal on a daily basis today -a route receives pilgrims throughout the year-deal. We also want to bring new tips, stories and legends of the road, without neglecting our community of pilgrims that every day you share with us hundreds of images taken directly in your experiences from the pilgrimage route.

What is the Camino de Santiago?

The Camino de Santiago is a route traveled by pilgrims from all over the world to reach the city of Santiago de Compostela, where legend has it the remains of the apostle. The call pilgrimage route has its origins in the Middle Ages, where he enjoyed great importance to later fall into oblivion and resurgence in the s. XX with great force and become a destination for hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who pass each year.

All information about the Camino

Making the decision to face for the first time the Camino de Santiago through any of its routes and stages is an injection of adrenaline, because we expect an experience that surely will remain etched forever, but also normal that assail us millions of doubt . So we've compiled all the information you need to choose the option that best suits your needs, time and fitness. In addition we answer all those questions about the way which never dared to ask, and we explain in summary form why the Camino was so important in the Middle Ages and why it has resurfaced in recent years.

Enjoy Santiago de Compostela

El Camino is breaking records of visitors every year, and all those pilgrims ending in Santiago de Compostela, a city with a unique cultural and historical heritage on which you will find everything you need to know in Vive el Camino. Camino routes through the hundreds spread throughout Europe, but there is only one goal, and is in the Plaza del Obradoiro. We tell you how to take full advantage of the ancient city and when you say "enough", we explain in detail how to get home, the exit square.

History of the Camino de Santiago

The history of the route most important Christian pilgrimage in Europe dates back to s. IX, with the alleged discovery of the remains of St. James the Greater in what is now known as Santiago de Compostela. Upon receiving the news King Alfonso II the Chaste, he went with all his court to the tomb of the apostle, becoming the first pilgrim. After the discovery, during the following centuries, the news of the location of the remains of Santiago became known throughout Europe, with increasing force, which turned the place into a center of pilgrimage and important trade route.

The origins of the Camino de Santiago

The history of the Camino de Santiago begins with the hermit Pelayo and his sighting of mysterious lights over an uninhabited mountain, a star inn on the Libredón forest in the year 812. During the eighth century Galicia had spread the belief that the remains of St. James they were buried in that area.

The hermit Pelayo told the bishop Teodomiro of Iria Flavia his sighting, where they went, supposedly finding an ancient tomb of Roman origin. The news of the discovery of the remains of Santiago reached the ears of Alfonso II the Chaste, king at the time of Asturias, who ordered to build a church in the place where they were allegedly found the remains (and where later the current cathedral would be built Santiago).

Splendor, decline and resurgence of the Camino

From the discovery of the remains, the news began to spread throughout Europe and thus Santiago became one of the most important pilgrimage sites of the Middle Ages along with Rome and Jerusalem. The number of pilgrims does nothing to grow from s. X, which creates an important route in the north of the Iberian Peninsula Christian kings support the construction of infrastructure such as bridges, roads and hospitals.

But from the fourteenth century the many changes facing Europe, where all kinds of evils happen and especially the phenomenon of the Reconquista in the Iberian Peninsula, divert attention and the Camino de Santiago begins to empty of pilgrims, losing the splendor of yesteryear finally falling into oblivion.

The Camino de Santiago would not emerge until the second half of the twentieth century, when the authorities of the time began to exploit its potential as a destination that combined tourism and religion, promoting it throughout Europe and highlighting its values ​​of peace and union among European . These values ​​are enshrined and the Camino resurfaced slowly, not to mention the inestimable push key figures as the pastor Elias Valiña and the Associations of Friends of the Camino de Santiago Spanish and French pioneers in signaling the pilgrimage route.

La Voz de Galicia La Voz de Asturias

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