Legal warning

In this page we offer legal information about ViveCamino services and the use that users must do in the platform.

Legal warning

I. Ownership of the website

Vive el Camino (hereinafter "ViveCamino"), is owned by LA VOZ DE GALICIA, S.A., a company established in Outeiro Round 1-3 Low, A Coruña and provided with C.I.F number A-15000649. The website is managed by BLOGOCIO MEDIA, SL, a company established in Rua Solaina, 45 Entresuelo Izquierda, Narón, and provided with C.I.F number B-70237201

By simply using the website by browsing through this, it is credited with the status of "user" accepting the conditions included in this legal notice. The user agrees to read carefully the Legal Notice every time you use the website, as it may contain modifications.

The purpose of this legal notice is to regulate the conditions for use of the website, its contents and its free or paid services. This legal notice regulates the conditions for all types of users in ViveCamino.

The user to complete and submit electronic forms containing personal data gives their free, unequivocal and express consent to the processing thereof, in accordance with the purposes and services ViveCamino offers.

II. Conditions of use of the website

The User agrees to make appropriate use of content and services that ViveCamino offers, particularly when you publish images or videos, of which claims to have rights to use.

ViveCamino reserves the right to make unannounced changes it deems appropriate in its website, may change, delete or add content and services provided through the same as the way in which they are displayed.

The ratings given by users are highly subjective individual opinions and corresponding to the user who published them and not ViveCamino. The website reserves the right to remove any opinion as well as the information require authors to verify its authenticity.

ViveCamino is not responsible for the opinions made by the user forcing the latter not to publish reviews:

  • Which do not correspond own experiences after staying at accommodations.
  • Defamatory, inaccurate, false, abusive, libelous, obscene, profane, offensive, insulting, tacitly or expressly sexual, threatening, harassing, racist, sexist, discriminatory, for any reason, that violate morality, public order, fundamental rights, public freedom, honor, privacy or the image of others and in general, current regulations, and / or illegal or infringing the rights of others.
  • Transmitting junk mail, "spam" messages for commercial purposes, or unsolicited mass mailings, false, misleading or promotes illegal activities or, threatening, obscene, defamatory or libelous rude conduct.
  • Supplying practical information about illegal activities.
  • Involving any advertising or commercial activity, even if there is no monetary consideration.
  • Containing data of personal nature on third parties requiring the consent of the rightholder.
  • Created by the owner of the business. In this case, if it is detected that any owner write opinions about their business, it may be permanently disabled its system of views and even be disenrolled from the website.

The user will be liable to ViveCamino or against the owner of the premises, of any damages that may be caused by the breach of those obligations. The web allows publication of opinions, positive or negative, on settlements, roads, towns, etc, but ViveCamino not involved in the views of users and is not responsible or guarantee the accuracy of the views published in your web.

Also the owner of a accommodation announced in ViveCamino may:

  • Turn on or off at any time rating system its hiding or showing all good and bad reviews tab.
  • Challenge any opinion made on their advertised establishments, to indicate whether a traveler who said was never in the accommodation. ViveCamino will request the traveller all information necessary to demonstrate his staying at the accommodation, giving a period of time to answer, prior to disposal.
  • Certify the opinions of other travelers who were in their establishment.

III. Intellectual property

Total or partial reproduction of the contents of ViveCamino without express written consent is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use of this content will result in legal action.

ViveCamino will not be liable for infringements made by users of the website affecting third parties.

The user who publishes texts, videos and images on the website gives to ViveCamino free, nonexclusive rights of reproduction, distribution and communication of the same and also expressly authorizes the transfer of these texts, videos and images to third-party websites with which ViveCamino make agreements. User agrees to be solely responsible, ViveCamino being free of liability for any claim for breach of copyright.

IV. Cookies policy

What are cookies:

Cookies are small files that are downloaded to the device from which you access the web site and store data about user navigation. Data stored during the session can improve the user experience during the session. Here are the types of cookies used in ViveCamino:

Own cookies:

  • Strictly necessary: Indispensable for the proper functioning of the services provided by the website, such as registration or login.
  • Advertising: Your goal is to manage advertising space of the site and how often different ads are shown.

Third party cookies:

  • Analytical Cookies: Its goal is to collect statistics on the activity of all users on the website.
  • Advertising Cookies: Its goal is to manage the exposure of ads to the user for ads not already seen before display.
  • Social networking cookies: If you are a user of social networks Facebook, Twitter or Google+, your device has already received a cookie from these sites that send them information when you visit websites that include their social buttons.
  • Google Maps cookies: These are used for the management of maps and geo services.

How to disable cookies:

Use the private browsing mode which delete cookies after the visit. It also has the ability to disable cookies at any time, as specified by the help page for each browser.

V. Protection Policy of personal data

In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data and its implementing regulations , the legal representative of the website informs you that the personal data provided through the registration forms will be included in a file for automated processing, in order to provide and offer our services, meaning therefore granted the express consent to receive commercial communications electronically (e-mail or SMS) in strict terms set out in these legal conditions.

The data collected is stored under the confidentiality and security measures established by law and not be transferred or shared with companies or outside the legal entities responsible for the website.

It may also exercise the rights of access, cancellation or rectification by contacting by email with Failure to perform this access may exercise their rights by contacting by letter to the following address, Rua Solaina, 45 Entresuelo Izquierda, Narón, Spain, communicating: name, address, telephone, e-mail registered in ViveCamino and a photocopy of ID card.

VI. ViveCamino responsabilities

ViveCamino will respond only for damages that the user may suffer as a result of the use of the website when such damage is caused by an act willfully by ViveCamino. The website user upon acceptance of this Legal Notice is aware that the use of the website is under their responsibility, particularly in relation to the publication of opinions, images or videos.

ViveCamino is not responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information published on the website and therefore not liable for the decisions made based on such information or damage caused by this reason.

ViveCamino provides information services not intermediating in the activity of advertisers or owners of establishments. Users contact directly with the owners of the establishments, not forming part of such ViveCamino business relationship and having no responsibility for the quality, content, price or availability of services.

The user acknowledge that it is not technically possible to achieve 100% availability of the website. However, ViveCamino will put all available means to maintain the website maximum time. ViveCamino not be liable for damages caused by cuts in the portal service.

VII. User obligations

In addition to the obligations previously described in the Legal Notice, the user agrees to use the website to:

Provide accurate data and keep them updated.

Do not introduce information contrary to the conditions of use of the website.

Do not use false identities or impersonate others.

Safeguard your login and password, agreeing not to transfer their use, assuming liability for misuse of these.

ViveCamino may suspend or cancel the web or any of the services offered to users at any time and without notice. ViveCamino may discontinue service to any user who makes unethical, offensive, illegal, or contrary to the Legal notice of the contents or services ViveCamino and / or contrary to the interests of the company use.

VIII. Communications, law and jurisdiction

For the purposes of this legal notice and for any communication between ViveCamino precisada and the user, you can contact ViveCamino by mail through the following address: Rua Solaina, 45 Entresuelo Izquierda, Narón, Spain. Or by e-mail

This Legal Notice shall be governed by Spanish law as to its validity, interpretation, performance and compliance. Both parties waive his heart being put under the Courts of A Coruna.

La Voz de Galicia La Voz de Asturias

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© Copyright LA VOZ DE GALICIA S.A. Polígono de Sabón, Arteixo, A CORUÑA (ESPAÑA) Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de A Coruña en el Tomo 2438 del Archivo, Sección General, a los folios 91 y siguientes, hoja C-2141. CIF: A-15000649

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