
Routes of The Primitive Way (8)
Routes of The French way (32)
Routes of English Way (6)
Routes of The Southeast Way – The Silver Route (Verín) (10)
Routes of The Finisterre – Muxia Way (5)
Routes of The Northern Way (8)
Routes of The Sea Route of Arousa and of the Ulla river (2)
Routes of The Southeast Way – The Silver Route (Laza) (9)
Routes of The Portuguese Way (5)

The stages of the Camino de Santiago

The Camino de Santiago is not a unique way, allowing the peregrine great flexibility when planning your trip, choosing the route that suits you (cover the entire Spanish geography ending in Santiago de Compostela), in addition to adjusting the distance we want to go to time we have available. To do this we must decide how many steps we will walk (or pedal bike) to Santiago, considering that the minimum for our compostela is 100 kilometers on foot or on horseback. If we choose to walk the stages of the Camino by bike, we will complete at least 200 km.

Stages of the French Way

The French Way is the route most pilgrims choose more than a year and certainly the largest and most number of stages account. The total stages of the French Way is summarized in 32, can start from Sant-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France; or from Roncesvalles, and in Spain. If we make the minimum distance to get the compostela we start it in Sarria, and in Galicia.

Being the busiest route for pilgrims, is the one with highest density of services at each stage of the Camino de Santiago, with great hospitality variety as hostels, shelters and campsites.

Stages North Way

The Northern Way is a route that takes pilgrims to the Cantabrian Cordillera, incredible scenery, starting from Irun and ending in Santiago de Compostela, therefore, one of the routes more kilometers and stages of the Camino de Santiago. The stages of Northern Way take the pilgrim to cross cities and emblematic municipalities in the Basque Country, Cantabria and Asturias, choosing in Oviedo if you continue along the coast to Ribadeo or decide to deviate up inside the Primitive Way through Lugo.

Stages Primitive Way

The Primitive Way is the original path by King Alfonso II El Casto pilgrimage to Santiago to visit the remains of the apostle. Born in Asturias and enters Galicia through the town of O Acebo, where the pilgrim subtracted 8 stages to reach Santiago de Compostela. The stages of the Primitive Way hide a great beauty but some of them are very demanding, are less crowded and less density than the French services.

Stages Portuguese Way

The Portuguese Way born in Lisbon to cross from south to north the neighbor walking on a beautiful Atlantic route each year choose more pilgrims. The Portuguese government is making efforts in recent years to give it the importance it deserves and increase interest among pilgrims. It penetrates the banks of the River Minho route in Galicia, being just 5 stages of the Portuguese Way the pilgrim will have to go from this point to Santiago de Compostela.

However, the Jacobean Route hides many more experiences. There are many more stages of the Camino de Santiago distributed throughout the peninsula in official Caminos recognized by the Xacobeo, as the English Way or the Via de la Plata, plus many unofficial, but with a great historical heritage, social way and cultural.

La Voz de Galicia La Voz de Asturias

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