Museo Casa Natal de Jovellanos

Point of interest en Gijón

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Museo Casa Natal de Jovellanos

Museo Casa Natal de Jovellanos - Wikimedia Commons - Autor: Sitomon

Museo Casa Natal de Jovellanos - Wikimedia Commons - Autor: Sitomon

Preserving and telling the story of Jovellanos

Throughout the Camino de Santiago we find all kinds of important and interesting points. Depending on the route we take, we will have some places where nature will mark the path. the true leading role while others allow us to travel back in time to remember some of the great figures in history. One of these cases is presented in Gijón, in the Museo Casa Natal de Jovellanos, one of the visits we can make when doing the Coast Path.

The palace-house dates from the end of the 15th century, then belonging to the Jovellanos family. The first building was built by Juan García de Jove (1460-1525). However, the passage of time caused the This is why the house underwent two reforms, one during the 16th century and another in 1758, the latter being carried out by Jovellanos's father and which gave it the appearance that everyone knows today.

Approaching to visit the Jovellanos Museum allows us to see its imposing appearance with two towers on the sides and a building that joins them. In addition to this, it has a chapel attached, where the church is located. Jovellanos buried and the square just in front of the place and which is called Plaza de Jovellanos. We must emphasize that its imposing presence has caused the place to receive the title of Monument in 1983.

This Museum opened in 2010. It opened its doors in 1971, at which time the municipal artistic collection was kept and which was moved from its former location. After all, this was in the old Jovellanos Institute. here This is where you should keep in mind that this Museum is not only a collection of works of art, but also has space for other types of activities.

For those pilgrims who dare to go to the place, they will find that educational workshops are held here, guided tours, concerts and even conferences by great artists. For this reason, it is a must for those who want to learn a little more about the history of Jovellanos as well as the history of Jovellanos. How to enjoy his works.

Another aspect to highlight is that there is also room for Asturian paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries. Not only that, but even works from European schools in which such a Flemish school stands out. like a dutch Therefore, it is an important point to enjoy for all those who want to know a little more about art.

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