The Camino de Santiago with a dog

Discover all the secrets of the Camino de Santiago if you plan to cross it together with your dog and all the things you have to consider before embarking on the journey.

The Camino de Santiago with a dog
The Camino de Santiago with a dog

The Camino de Santiago with a dog

What to keep in mind before taking our dog to the Camino

If you are one of those who can not part with your pet on vacation and want to share with him the experience that is the Jacobean Route, we explain what you have to take into account before embarking on the Camino de Santiago with dog.

Doing the Way with your dog entails some conditions that will make the trip more complicated, having to take some previously decided important issues, such as where to stay and if in these accommodations we can sleep with our dog. The advice of a veterinarian is also always important when making the decision to take the trip with our partner, and it is who must have the last word after examining it.
On the other hand you have to take into account that there are many accommodations that allow dogs, but there are also those who do not admit them, so it is convenient to have your route very planned. Be careful to choose the date, especially with times of very cold and very hot; Some races may affect them a lot more than we do.

In spite of all the necessary preparations, to make the Way with your dog will give you both a great satisfaction. To him to spend some unforgettable days in the natural environment and to us to check in first person everything that enjoys the experience.

The role of your veterinarian before taking your dog to the Camino de Santiago

When you think of becoming a pilgrim or repeat experience sure that what comes to mind is the previous effort and preparation needed. The best thing to do is, if you are not used to spending hours on the bike or walking, is to start a workout routine that will prepare you to overcome each stage. Remember that doing the 'Camino con salud' is the key to your success. If you have decided that your dog is with you, it is advisable to have a previous chat with the veterinarian to tell you what it is:

  • In how many stages you plan to divide your pilgrimage
  • The total duration of your trip to Santiago
  • The time of the year in which you will go
  • The type of path you are going to walk on
  • Forecasts for relaxation (outside or in hostels and hotels) ...

He can advise you about these and other points as he is the one who knows the breed of your dog and its limitations. Do not forget to ask him about:

  • Take care of your dog during the trip.
  • The food that will suit you and how long to hydrate you
  • Necessary time of rest and intervals (you can also consult on the ideas that your dog does the Road 'by foot' or in a trailer)
  • Area-specific massage or care, since joints and pads are sensitive areas that are very likely to resent continued intensive exercise.
  • Program of exercises to prepare the trip with him.
  • Adaptation to the environment you are going to expose: road, mountain, areas with other animals around ...

It is advisable to deworming your dog before doing the Path both inside and out. Anti-flea collars and ticks are essential. Remember that it will be surrounded by nature in its pure state and our eye can only perceive a part of it, there are thousands of small beings that find in the hair and skin of our dog the paradise where to live and / or eat. Keep in mind that your dog also undergoes remarkable physical activity, so cares on the way have to intensify even more.

También puedes acoplar una cesta para transportar a tu perro en bici

También puedes acoplar una cesta para transportar a tu perro en bici

Transporting your dog if you travel by bike

If you are one of those who can not live without your faithful companion and want to enjoy your experience in nature doing the Camino de Santiago with dog, quiet, no problem, we propose a few accessories ideal for transport (and their Things!) That will not hinder you. You will see the difference!

The first thought is usually a basket. If it is a small dog we can shuffle that option, inconveniences:

  • The dog has almost no space (especially if it is a front basket).
  • We can not maneuver well with the bike, it is easy for us to lose stability and the turns are especially sensitive with our animal on its back.

The dog, like you, can always accompany you on foot, but you have to be considerate of your partner. If you were both walking the thing would be different but the capacity of displacement that you have climbed in your bike is not comparable with the one that has "to paw", remember that it is not a cheetah. In addition, the resistance and the needs of running depend on the race so when making it go with you loose you can be forcing more than you imagine and more if the effort is prolonged for days at each stage.

That's why the best option is an adapted trolley or trailer. They are different from those used for luggage, starting because they are adapted to make the animal comfortable:

  • Goes comfortable and safe.
  • You can rest (you have space to lie down).
  • You can go up and down (as it is a skeleton with cloth cover whose door you can leave open, similar to the Quechua tents).
  • It is protected in case of cold or rain.
  • It allows you to stay overnight if the conditions accompany you.

Alternatives to towing if you travel with dog to the Camino

In addition to the carts or trailers, there are numerous anchors and straps to make the Camino de Santiago with your dog for more affordable prices, but we must always follow two basic premises: security (both for our pet, us and the other pilgrims) And comfort. We can also find novel supports with a strap to hook your bike, which prevent your dog from hitting or pulling between the wheels of the bike. This will avoid complications and possible accidents.

Look at this! Like everything in life, the best thing you can do is to take the Road with peace of mind because, for many plans you have made, your dog is an animal and can arise needs that you will have to attend. And you are responsible for the welfare of the two. With this we want to say that, when choosing the way in which you are going to do the Camino de Santiago on bike, you must know your 'friend' well to choose the most appropriate system.

Cuidado con llevar a tu perro suelto en el Camino de Santiago

Cuidado con llevar a tu perro suelto en el Camino de Santiago

Carry your dog loose on the Camino de Santiago: be very careful!

It is true that many animals are accustomed to walk close to their master and are excellent pilgrims but the different roads cross areas that are prohibited by law to take them loose (Natural Parks or Regional Parks).

These areas are also very crowded, which can annoy some other pilgrim or are near roads and can pose a danger to your pet or drivers.
And now, encourage and organize that there is nothing better than sharing such a gratifying experience with your best friend.

La Voz de Galicia La Voz de Asturias

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