
Camino de Santiago in 4 days: Tips on how to do it

With these tips and guide for the routes you will be able to complete the Camino de Santiago in record time.

Embarking on the Camino de Santiago is a turning point for the vast majority of pilgrims. Regardless of the reasons that have moved them to want to complete it, regardless of whether they do it on foot, by bicycle or any other means of transport, it is a whole experience. 

If you are one of those who want to repeat the trip, but now in a much lighter way; or you want to enter for the first time in the Camino de Santiago almost expressly, we will give you the best tips to complete the Camino de Santiago in just 4 days; an ideal way to enjoy its landscapes and routes with an uncomplicated planning, both for luggage and schedule. 

Let's see a little more in depth what each route can offer us and the best options within each of them. 

French Way in 4 days

The French Way is one of the best known by pilgrims and a favorite of many. Reasons are not lacking for this because we are talking about one of the best indicated routes and with a multitude of services along the way in the form of hostels, bars and a long etcetera of needs for the pilgrim. 

As for the most recommended stage, undoubtedly the pilgrim who wants to complete the French Way in 4 days should start from stage 28, specifically from Sarria. Something more than 110km that will force us to maintain a pace of about 29km per day. Despite the advantages in terms of places to sleep, it is important to plan ahead. 

Peregrinos | Envato

Peregrinos | Envato

Portuguese Way in 4 days

The Portuguese Way leaves few options. Divided into five stages and starting from Tui, we will be obliged to maintain a good pace during the four days to arrive in time to Santiago. From Tui to the Cathedral we expect nothing more and nothing less than 120 kilometers so that a total of 30km a day will be essential. 

However, we are talking about one of the most followed and favorite routes only behind the French Way. Along the way we will pass through incredible landscapes, passing through beautiful villages such as O Porriño or Pontecesures. 

English Way in 4 days

Either from Coruña or from its original source in Ferrol, the English Way is an ideal route if you want to enjoy beautiful landscapes and at the same time the entire route. If the latter is your case, you should know that due to its distance of more than 120 km you will have to keep a pace close to 40 kilometers. 

Of course there are ways to cut it short and reduce the distance a little. Starting from Pontedeume we will leave the English Way in just over 100km, just enough to receive the Compostela. 

The Northern Way in 4 days

The Northern Way is one of the hardest routes if you want to complete the Camino de Santiago in record time. The reason? Its steep trails, making it very difficult to walk if you want to maintain a high pace of kilometers at the end of the day. 

If, despite this, you do not lose heart and accept the challenge, you will have to start from stage 4 and with Vilalba-Miraz as the starting point. The Camino del Norte will force you to have well planned stops, so you should prepare it thoroughly compared to other options. 

Santiago | Envato

Santiago | Envato

Primitive Way in 4 days

If you want the most demanding variant, the Camino Primitivo is your choice. Starting from Lugo and with 100km ahead, this route leaves us imposing landscapes but also trails where endurance will be everything to be able to keep up the pace. Undoubtedly, one of the options that will force us to be in shape.

Tips to do the Camino de Santiago in 4 days

Is it possible to do the Camino de Santiago in only 4 days? The answer is yes, although you should take into account several factors. For example, take with you just what you need during the journey. We have already talked about how to do the Camino de Santiago without a backpack, a totally viable option although it will require some planning. 

On the other hand, and perhaps this is the most important point of all: to know which is the fastest route of all, but also the easiest. There are different options to make the Camino de Santiago easier, but in all of them you must keep in mind that to get the Compostela you have to complete 100km walking or 200km cycling. 

Taking into account the luggage and knowing how to choose the right route, you should have no problem to complete the Camino de Santiago in four days. However, remember that in the same way as if you were doing it in its entirety, it will be essential to wear good footwear and be physically prepared. 

Physical preparation is important

As we have already mentioned, physical preparation is vital to do the Camino de Santiago either in four days or over several weeks. Keep in mind that by decreasing the number of days to complete a route, you will have to drastically increase the number of kilometers to complete per day. With two or three months in advance to prepare yourself physically, you should have no problem completing the Camino de Santiago.

Botas | Envato

Botas | Envato

Remember, take with you only what you need

The 10% rule will be your best companion when preparing your luggage for the Camino de Santiago. That is, your backpack should weigh 10% of your body weight. Easy, isn't it? Of course to all this you must add items such as first aid kit or footwear, vital for any route. Take with you what is indispensable and necessary. 

Choose a route that adapts to you

It doesn't matter that the French Way is one of the most completed, followed by the Portuguese. Do you feel like starting on the English Way? Do you think it is a route that you could complete without too many problems? Go ahead! On the Camino de Santiago, everyone chooses one route or another for different reasons, but always taking into account that it suits us.

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