
Do the Camino de Santiago in just 5 days

Is it possible to do the Camino de Santiago in just 5 days? We tell you the best routes to live the experience and the best tips to do it without problems

Tips to do the Camino de Santiago in just 5 days

Many are the people who would like to do the Camino de Santiago, however the lack of time does not allow them to do it. Although it is quite difficult to get a whole group of friends to agree to do it, there are quite long Jacobean routes and that it takes even 1 month to cover them completely.

Although certain people think that many days are necessary to complete the Camino de Santiago, with only 5 days it can be achieved. This period of time adapts to most work obligations and allows us to reach the minimum 100 kilometers that we need to cover on foot to be given the Compostela. However, we should not trust ourselves and think that it is easier being a short period of time, since doing the Camino de Santiago in 5 days also requires effort.

1. Prepare yourself physically before you start walking the path

How in all cases, if we are going to do the Camino de Santiago in 5 days we must have previously performed a good physical training. Suddenly subjecting the body to continuous exercise, such as the one we encounter when walking the Camino de Santiago, can generate all kinds of problems, so we must prepare our bodies sooner.

To ensure that our body does not suffer when walking the Camino or that we feel like giving up, the best thing to do is to start preparing at least 2 months before. Not for that reason we must carry out extreme training but we must accustom our body to walking continuously. With time we will increase the distance traveled so as to inhabit the kilometers that we must travel at each stage.

2. Take only what is necessary

One of the advantages of doing the Camino de Santiago in 5 days is that we do not need to carry many things on our trip. Although it is necessary to carry basic things, such as the pilgrim's health kit or good footwear to carry out the Camino, we can avoid weight by reducing the amount of clothing we carry and use smaller backpacks that allow us to make the Camino more comfortable.

In order to really take what is necessary to the Camino de Santiago, it is recommended to make prior planning. We must calculate the things that we will need every day and if there is a way to eliminate some of them, but without harming the experience of the Camino. We must also take into account the 10% rule to ensure that the weight of our backpack does not cause health problems.

3. Enjoy every moment

Doing the Camino de Santiago should be an experience for pilgrims. Although pilgrims who walk the Camino in 10 days or even a month have more time to enjoy each stage, doing the Camino in 5 days also offers all kinds of sensations. That is why we must try to enjoy every moment we live on the Camino and ensure that fatigue does not affect us to the unique experience offered by this trip.

To live the Camino de Santiago to the fullest in just 5 days, we must be open to enjoying everything around us, especially if it is the first time we have traveled the Camino. This period of time we can meet other people, get involved with nature, appreciate incredible views and outdo ourselves.

4. Find the route that best suits you

As there are so many Jacobean routes that exist, we have a large collection of options from which to choose to do the Camino de Santiago in 5 days. Although on the one hand we can start the journey from a nearby stage of any Jacobean route, we can also choose a shorter Jacobean route to live the whole experience.

If you want to complete a complete Jacobean route in just 5 days, you can choose the English Way which begins in the city of Ferrol. This has only 122 kilometers, so we have the necessary time to complete it. Other possible places to do the Camino are Tui to cover part of the Portuguese Way and Sarria to cover the last section of the French Way, among others.