
The Camino de Santiago in September: Why is it one of the best months?

Why for many veterans of the Camino de Santiago the most recommendable month to visit it is September? Maybe it has a lot to do with the end of the agglomerations and the arrival of milder temperatures.

Camino de Santiago

Camino de Santiago

✔ Why choose September to do the Camino de Santiago?

September is traditionally the month of return to normal on the Camino de Santiago, after the alluvium of walkers who take advantage of their summer vacation to make a pilgrimage. According to data from the Pilgrim's Office, in 2017 there was a 36% decrease in the number of pilgrims between August (57,680) and September (42,189), a phenomenon that leaves us a much more walkable Camino de Santiago each year, but still with the advantages of good weather and high availability of services.

However, not all benefits; although next to May, September is one of the favorite months for veteran pilgrims to take a walk, not everyone can afford to have a few days off in September to go there. In addition, we must not lose sight of the fact that it is increasingly more likely to rain, and it may be necessary to take some warm clothing.

▷ Advantages of doing the Camino in September

If you have the privilege of doing the Camino de Santiago in September, you will find many advantages such as:

1. Goodbye to agglomerations of pilgrims

Among the main advantages that the pilgrims can find in September, the most evident is undoubtedly the end of the great summer agglomerations, which mostly take place in August on the Camino. Mainly in the last stages, Galicia is a hive of walkers in the hottest weeks of the year; but already in September, with the return to obligations and finished the vacation time, the Camino becomes much more walkable.

2. Softer temperatures than in August and July

To this we must add the weather; While it is true that nobody can assure us good weather (it is normal for us to rain), we will find temperatures much milder than in the middle of summer, once left behind the hot days of July and August. We would appreciate this especially if we cross the plateau through routes such as the French Way, where the heat is most intense in summer.

3. Great availability of accommodations

Finally, we can not forget a great advantage: the hostels. When finishing the crowds of summer pilgrims, we will not have so many problems to find a place, so we will gain in comfort (we will not have to get up so early in order to reach the first). In addition, you can count on the fact that almost all the public and private hostels network, hostels, pensions and rural houses are still open for you to stay.

▷ Disadvantages of the Camino de Santiago in September

Although doing the Camino in September are almost all advantages, we are no longer in one of the hottest and brightest months of the year, so some inconvenience does exist:

1. Finding partners is more complicated

Leaving aside students or retirees, who can organize their free time more freely, for ordinary mortals it is more complicated to have free days to do the Camino de Santiago outside of July and August. Therefore, pilgrims who do not consider traveling alone will find more complications to coordinate with friends or form groups to walk. If you do not mind doing it alone, then you can skip this point.

2. Good weather is no longer insured

In September, as in May, it is neither cold nor hot, but we will be much more exposed to the surprises of the time on the Camino de Santiago than in August or July. It will be usual to find rain in the area of ​​Galicia and it is highly recommended to take some warm clothing just in case. On the other hand, at the edge of autumn you have to remember that the days are shorter and there are fewer hours of light, so if you like to get up early you should take it into account.

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