
Why do the Camino de Santiago organized?

The Camino de Santiago, as a cultural itinerary, and above all as an experience of living it, offers multiple ways for its realization and enjoyment. As is already known, it can be done on your own making use of the multiple shelters that exist along the different roads.

Camino de Santiago en grupo

Camino de Santiago en grupo

But there is another way to also carry out the Camino, and that is to make the Camino de Santiago organized, through an agency specializing in the Camino and, if you opt for this possibility, Tee Travel is, without a doubt, the travel agency reference in the Jacobean route since 2001. The agency provides full advice before the trip; during the journey, he monitors 24 hours a day; and after the trip he is interested in knowing the opinion of travelers in order to satisfy and always improve customer service.

How to do the Camino? On foot or by bike, individually or in a group

The Camino, on foot or by bike, is easier with Tee Travel. They are in charge of making the reservation in the different hotels and rural houses among the multiple possibilities available in the different routes of the Camino de Santiago: French Way, Portuguese Way, North Way, Primitive Way, English Way, Portuguese Way through La Costa, Vía de la Plata, Camino Fisterra-Muxía ... Although their services are not limited to booking accommodations, they also move backpacks, book restaurants, provide picnics for those who wish to eat in one of the idyllic landscapes that they provide us with these routes, they have expert guides on the Camino and, of course, they also provide bicycles for those who wish to do so.

Camino de Santiago en grupo

Camino de Santiago en grupo

The Camino can be done individually or in groups. There are those who prefer to do it alone, as a couple, as a family, with friends or even be part of a group with scheduled dates and travel with a guide and make new friends. Those who prefer to do it in a more free way can start the day they want and where they prefer and even walk what they want since the agency, in addition to the packages it offers, also personalizes each trip according to the tastes and preferences of each pilgrim.

When can we make the Camino in Group?

French Way:

The traveler who wants to be part of an organized group has the option to choose these scheduled dates for the French Way with the following departures in 2018: May 5, June 23, July 14, September 1, September 22 or 6 October.

Portuguese Way:

If you opt for the Portuguese Way, you can leave on September 7 or 13.These are guided trips with a maximum of 15 participants and seven days in duration, so as to preserve the quality, service and attention to each one. The guides who accompany the groups are perfectly knowledgeable about the Camino and meticulously trained by Tee Travel.

Camino de Santiago en grupo

Camino de Santiago en grupo

Camino Clean: Enjoy the beauty of the Camino de Santiago and take care of it

In addition to the attention to the pilgrim, it is also necessary to highlight the care and protection of the Camino de Santiago, which is why Camino Clean was born. It is a movement of actions aimed at conserving the environment and maintaining respect among all those who travel the stages of the Camino de Santiago. Tee Travel strongly supports this initiative and has joined the first action of waste collection on the Camino, with the intention of, in addition to cleaning, to raise awareness among children and adults of the importance of not leaving more than the footprints on their feet. The Camino to keep this itinerary a World Heritage Site intact for the future.

As an agency specializing in the Camino de Santiago, Tee Travel has several offices at the foot of the Camino. An office in Vilagarcía de Arousa, at the foot of the Portuguese Way; another in Sarria, in the famous last 100 kilometers and a third in Santiago de Compostela as it passes through the French Way, just before reaching the Cathedral. In this office of Compostela, the last Thursday of each month is celebrated some traveling talks that become a meeting point to present and chat about trips in different European destinations among which are itineraries to do on foot or by bike by rivers as famous as the Danube and the Rhine or as emblematic places as Tuscany, the Norwegian Fjords, the Scottish Highlands and the Vincentian Rota.

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