
Hydration and what to eat on the Camino de Santiago

Here are some useful tips on the care your body needs as you walk the Camino de Santiago, before, during and at the end of each stage.

HIdratación, alimentación y descanso en el Camino de Santiago

HIdratación, alimentación y descanso en el Camino de Santiago

1. How to hydrate while traveling the Camino de Santiago

Hydration is vital as you go through each of the stages of the Camino de Santiago that you have planned on your route; It is as or more important than a good diet, especially in the hottest months of June, July and August. Although your physical preparation for the Camino de Santiago is optimal, you should take care of the intake of water and food regularly while walking. You should always take with you a good refreshment kit to hydrate yourself, since you will face stages that can be around 25 km away; This should consist of two containers with water or isotonic drink, since they include sugar and mineral salts that accelerate the recovery. Not only should you drink when you are thirsty, but at regular intervals to dose our liquid throughout the stage.

Sources on the Camino de Santiago

Will we find sources with drinking water on the Camino? Of course, you will find many of them and frequently, but you should not leave your water supply to chance; You should be prepared in advance when leaving the shelter because as you will understand, not all stages have the same services. Of course, if you are running out of water, when you see a fountain, take the opportunity to fill the canteen, since the next one could be many kilometers away.

Another indispensable trick, especially if you're traveling the Camino de Santiago in summer is to protect your body properly heat and sunlight thereby reducing the rate at which you lose fluids while you walk. This is essential to wear a cap (for this and other reasons), as well as wear clothing with light, loose and breathable fabrics, as well as appropriate footwear for the season in which we find colors.

2. How to feed on the Camino de Santiago

If you've thoroughly prepared to walk the Camino de Santiago for weeks random walk not let your diet before, during and after each stage You travel, it is a determining factor. Before you start walking every day it is essential to take a comprehensive, varied and high-energy breakfast with us out with batteries butt, because it will be our fuel as we walk; we do not care if you usually do not eat breakfast, in the Camino it is essential, since your body needs fuel for the remarkable physical effort to which you are going to submit.

Nuts, energy bars ...

At the time of departure, if it is essential to bring water or isotonic drinks to hydrate, it is also necessary to bring small portions of food to consume quickly. We should not be 5 or 6 hours without eating, we must seize the brief rest stops to charge the batteries, so do not forget to include in your backpack foods like nuts (walnuts, peanuts, almonds), energy bars, bananas or apples, since they are consumed easily and quickly. A good idea is always to bring foods with a high amount of sugars, such as sweets, for emergencies such as depletions or voltage drops; Maybe you or the pilgrims around you need it on occasion.

The Pilgrims Menu

Once we reach our goal by completing the stage of the day, it is time to recover strength. For this, although on the Camino de Santiago you will find a wide range of services to eat, highlight the most popular option among walkers: the Pilgrim Menu. It is a special price menu for pilgrims, designed to regain strength after long walks.


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