
Health tips to enjoy the Camino de Santiago to the fullest

We show you some of the best tips so that you can enjoy the Camino without any worries.

Consejos Camino de Santiago

Consejos Camino de Santiago

Are you thinking of doing the Camino de Santiago? Well, there are some things you should keep in mind. There are some health tips that every pilgrim should take note of before starting their adventure, in order to get the most out of this pilgrimage route. Whether you are going to do the Camino in 10 days or you are going to dedicate a month, these tips will help you to make the way to the Cathedral of Santiago as smooth as possible and you can enjoy the experience to the fullest.

Health tips for the Camino de Santiago

Your health documentation always with you

No matter how much time we are going to spend on the Camino de Santiago, it is essential to carry our health documentation. This way we will be more protected and covered in any situation and above all we can give basic information to specialists so that they can treat us correctly. 

Be physically prepared

No one is aware of the effort involved in the Camino de Santiago until they do it. This pilgrimage route requires a great physical effort so it is necessary to prepare the body for it. Walking steadily during the weeks prior to doing the Camino is a point in favor to make it and enjoy it to the fullest.

Walk at a steady pac

Consistency can be difficult in some stretches, but it is very important to complete the stage without problems. Each stretch towards the Cathedral of Santiago has slopes that can make us lighten the pace, however, keeping the pace is what will help us not to alter the levels of our body and continue without problems.

Drink water whenever you can

Carrying a bottle of water is essential for every pilgrim. During the walk we are making a great physical effort so we must stay well hydrated at all times. This does not mean that we have to drink in large quantities, but we must drink little by little throughout the day to be able to complete the route without problems.

Protect yourself from the sun

Especially if you are going to do the Camino de Santiago in summer, you should protect yourself from the sun. Protect your skin with sunscreen as often as necessary and wear a hat or cap at each stage. The heat and the sun's rays can be a factor for pilgrims so it is very important to take it into account and protect ourselves from it.

Carry a first aid kit

In your backpack you should always carry a small first aid kit. In some sections of each stage we are in sparsely populated areas so we must be well equipped with basic things. Band-aids, gauze and a plaster are basic items in the pilgrim's first aid kit, although we can include more things such as disinfectant wipes and a cold pack.

Pamper your feet

Although the Camino de Santiago is a great effort for the whole body, it is the feet that take the worst part. Choosing good footwear is essential to make the route as comfortable as possible, however this must be complemented with a frequent change of socks. You should also clean your feet well and massage them at the end of each stage, and make the necessary cures to face the next stage.
Consejos Camino de Santiago

Consejos Camino de Santiago

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