
Clothing for the Camino de Santiago: What should you take with you?

Here are some recommendations when filling your backpack; we tell you what kind of clothes will suit you best to travel the Camino de Santiago

What clothes to take to the Camino de Santiago? Tips and recommendations

At the time of planning what we will take in our backpack to do the Camino de Santiago, especially if it is the first time we travel, we all tend to put more things in the account. If you are one of those who tend to wear extra clothes to travel "because you never know", take off the idea of u200bu200byour head on the Camino de Santiago: here you have to carry only what is essential; everything else will be a burden that we will have to carry on our backs for many kilometers.

Contrary to what you may think, either you travel the Camino de Santiago for 15 days or just a bridge, you do not need a lot of clothes to do it. On the Camino the ideal is to bring with us specific clothes for trekking or hiking, made of breathable materials and quick drying, so that we can wash every day and make sure that the next morning is dry (either to put it on or to keep it in the clean backpack). Washing and hanging in the shelters will ensure that the few clothes you wear are always enough.

The clothes you need do not have to be especially expensive or difficult to get; you can find it in any store specialized in mountain or hiking material, as well as large surfaces such as Decathlon. Make sure it's clothing made of sports materials; from your shirts to your socks.

List of clothes to carry in the backpack to the Camino de Santiago

The following list of clothes to make the Camino de Santiago is designed to travel in warm months or mild temperatures. If you are going to do it at the end of autumn or in the middle of winter, logically you will have to take with you more warm clothes, although do not forget that it is recommended that the total weight of your backpack never exceed 10% of your body weight.

Returning to the issue of fabrics, why do we recommend that the clothes you take with you to the Camino be made of breathable and quick-drying synthetic material? One of the main reasons is that we can keep dry from rain and sweat; in Galicia the downpours are common and can catch you in the middle of nowhere.

This is our list of clothes for the Camino de Santiago:

  • 2 pants: You must wear long trekking pants and a short one (depending on the season, if you walk during a hot month)
  • 2 breathable t-shirts (that you will use exclusively for walking)
  • 3 changes of underwear
  • Cap or hat to prevent the sun from hitting you directly in the head, something essential in summer. Sunglasses are also a very important piece for walking long stages.
  • 1 raincoat: It is essential; Remember that you are going to walk many kilometers through Galicia, where you will be exposed to rain on many occasions. If possible, choose the lightest you find
  • 1 light fleece lining to avoid getting cold during the night (in Galicia it refreshes at dusk, included in summer).
  • 2 or 3 pairs of socks: the best thing is that they are elastic to avoid wrinkles (which cause blisters with sweat); much better if they have reinforcements to protect the foot
  • Optional: swimsuit (highly recommended to cool down halfway), wristband for sweat, visor (as possible replace the cap) and a change of clothes after showering if you want to visit a town.

Footwear to travel the Camino de Santiago

Although we have a specific article on the perfect footwear for the Camino de Santiago, it is worth remembering what is best for your feet, since it is a basic (and the most important) part of our pilgrim clothing:

Hiking shoes under that are very breathable to always keep your feet dry, a problem very common especially in the hottest months. It is essential that you have used them previously, never the premieres beginning the Camino de Santiago.Flip-flops, to rest the foot when we finish the stages and that also serve us to shower, keeping our feet safe from possible fungi.

To end this section, it is worth mentioning the hiking or mountain boots: although some pilgrims prefer them and it is really quite personal, it is not necessary to take them to the Camino de Santiago. It is true that with them your ankle will be more protected, but on the other hand there are important drawbacks: the feet sweat more, generating moisture, which can cause blisters and sores on the feet.

What backpack to take to the Camino de Santiago?

Finally, let us give you some quick advice on the type of backpack you need to carry the list of clothes that we have left you above. It will be enough with a backpack of about 35 liters capacity for all this; With this ability you will walk lightly, but you have to do the Camino de Santiago, mentalized to take with you the minimum. In our opinion, it is worth the effort, since your back will thank you.


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