
How much money does the Camino de Santiago cost?

One of the most common doubts among pilgrims who want to travel the Camino has to do with the total budget: how much money are we going to spend per day?

¿Cuánto dinero cuesta hacer el Camino de Santiago?

¿Cuánto dinero cuesta hacer el Camino de Santiago?

Your budget to do the Camino de Santiago

Is it cheap to do the Camino de Santiago? Will it cost you more than a week's vacation in a national destination? We estimate the budget with which you have to count to cross the Jacobean route with all the possible expenses that you can find, such as daily meals, overnight stays, gifts, transportation and unforeseen, such as visits to the pharmacy.

Transportation to the starting point and back home

Transport? Yes, we know that the Camino de Santiago is done walking or by bike, but you have to take into account what it will cost you to reach the starting point of your route and the return from Santiago de Compostela (if you decide to return from there). Fortunately the city of Santiago is really well connected with the main Spanish cities, such as Madrid and Barcelona, ​​both by train and by plane, as it has its own airport. It is also easy to get to the most chosen points of the Camino to start, such as Sarria, Tui, Leon or Ponferrada.

The money that you have to count to go and return home depends a lot on the city where you live (by the number of connections), and if you choose to travel by coach, train or plane (taking advantage of some offer). The price can therefore be very variable, but as a rough estimate, we can be talking about a range of 60 euros to 100 euros. If the money is a major limitation and the distances are not very large, we advise opting for the coach or other options affordable blablacar type.

Daily meals

Meals are one of the factors in which we will leave an important part of the budget. The prices in the taverns, restaurants and bars of the Camino de Santiago are really affordable, with pilgrim menus specially designed for walkers. The pilgrim traditionally manages reduced budgets, so the prices of local businesses are adjusted to it. You should take into account at least three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), with food being the most copious intake of all three, and the most expensive.

It calculates 20 euros in total for all the meals: 2 euros of breakfast (that never you must skip) bought in a store or in a bar, 10 of menu of noon and around 8 euros for a simple dinner. It is not a bad idea to use hostel facilities from time to time to cook our own food, for example at dinner parties. Also do not forget to always take some piece of fruit, energy bar or nuts to drink while you walk in the middle of the morning.


The price of accommodation on the Camino de Santiago is never fixed and the reason is that we will not always be able to stay in each locality where we would like: especially in high season pilgrims are many and squares are filled in hostels, pensions and Hostels The best option so that the expense in accommodation is not going to us by the clouds without doubt are the public shelters; In many of them the will is accepted, which should never be lower than 4-5 euros, because of our money depends the sustainability of this service.

Some public shelters set an unchanged price that usually goes for around 6-8 euros, while in private the rates usually reach 10 euros or more. On the other hand, especially in high season, the large influx of pilgrims can come together in one day we find accommodation problems and have to opt for a pension or hostel with free beds. It is also highly recommended, especially if we accuse fatigue after many stages, take a good rest in a room for us alone, which will not greatly increase our total travel budget.

Extra expenses for contingencies

The Camino de Santiago is to enjoy it and not only walking, but also at the end of each stage, visiting its cities and towns, steeping in its culture, gastronomy, parties, etc. So, if you want to get the most out of the Jacobean route, we recommend that you devote part of your budget to museum tickets, guides, souvenirs, typical products and snacks with other pilgrims you know walking. Give us a good final tribute when we get to Santiago Cathedral is also a great idea.

On the other hand, you should always allocate a part of your budget for contingencies, such as shoes that replace the one that gives us the can, a jacket that isolates us better from the wind, bandages for scrapes, medicines against the cold, and even some Session with the physiotherapist if the body asks us. For all these reasons, always calculate high to be able to have this part of the budget if you need it.

What should be your daily budget to do the Camino de Santiago?

Taking into account all the above, with a moderate expense and without great luxuries, you should calculate a daily budget that costs around 30 euros to travel the Camino de Santiago. Some days you will spend less, but keep in mind that sometimes you will have to "go through the ring" and stay in hostels or pensions that will leave your budget, as well as all the unexpected that may arise in the Camino, well deserved beers That you can take and the memories that you can buy.

Therefore, if you are going to dedicate a week to doing the Camino, taking an average level of expenses, your budget should be between 250 and 300 euros, including also transport, but without regard to the equipment you will need (boots / Trekking shoes, backpack, bag, etc.). However, if you are going to travel a long distance through a large number of stages and spending more than two weeks, you can always adjust your spending by being more strict with meals and cooking yourself in the hostels. On the other hand, it is not recommended to camp on the Camino de Santiago (free camping is prohibited), among other things because we will be at the expense of inclement weather, and rest after walking long stages is fundamental.


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