
Why does the Camino de Santiago hook?

If you are thinking about it, here´s why you will always succeed in choosing to become a pilgrim and to make the Camino de Santiago

Camino de Santiago

Camino de Santiago

Main reasons why pilgrims do the Camino de Santiago

Do you know why every year more and more people become pilgrims? It is very difficult to give an answer to this question, since there are many reasons. Some of them are religious but more and more pilgrims are doing the Camino for more personal reasons, which have to do with their daily lifestyle or their well-being. Whatever your reason, it is never too late to do the Camino de Santiago and that is why here are several reasons that will help you to encourage you for the first time. 

You will get to know yourself better

Regardless of whether the main reason for doing the Camino de Santiago is religious or spiritual, all pilgrims agree that this pilgrimage route helps them to find themselves better. While walking each stage you have plenty of time to get to know yourself and discover your daily motivations. This also implies a very deep personal self-analysis, which helps them to change the way they see their lifestyle and the environment around them. 
Camino de Santiago

Camino de Santiago

You will get out of your comfort zone

Getting out of your comfort zone is never easy and the Camino de Santiago can help you do it. We all build a life process that we repeat every day, in which very little changes and in which we shelter ourselves, hiding in a bubble without looking outside. Our perspective on life is sometimes totally conditioned by our closed environment. It is precisely on the Camino that we have to find our own reasons to move forward and learn to coexist with an environment that is totally different from our daily life.

You will learn to distinguish what really matters

Although on the Camino de Santiago we will encounter physically hard moments, it will be the personal debates that will require the most effort. After the first few kilometers you will find your own reason to keep going and you will realize that the Camino is a reflection of life itself; each step brings you closer to the end, each step adds up to reach your goal, but what really matters is not getting to Santiago de Compostela or finishing the first ones. 

You will meet new people

The Camino de Santiago will allow you to meet new people with whom you can share this experience. With the right attitude, it will be very easy to meet other pilgrims with whom you will be able to share many things, without being obliged to be tied to their company if later on you want to walk alone. Discovering other pilgrims' motivations for walking the Camino and what has led them to walk it is something worth discovering for yourself.
Camino de Santiago en bici

Camino de Santiago en bici

You will visit unique places that you wouldnt go otherwise

The Camino de Santiago has a great variety in terms of both tourism and culture. It takes you through big cities but also through smaller towns that you would probably never get to know if it wasn't for the Camino de Santiago. You will cross bridges, Roman roads, millenary paths, you will pass through villages with a very long Jacobean tradition, full of hospitable people and, of course, incredible landscapes. Whichever route you choose, you will be able to discover unique places: from the north of the Peninsula along the French Way or the entire Cantabrian coast if you follow the Northern Way.

There is always more to discover

There is no single path to Santiago de Compostela, nor are they all the same. From the overcrowded French Way to the millenary Mediterranean routes of the Peninsula or the Via de la Plata, which crosses Andalusia and Extremadura, you have ahead of you an endless number of paths that will take you to Santiago and that will show you many different faces of the adventure that is the pilgrimage to Santiago. All you have to do is ask for more and go for the adventure.

An experience for life

To embark on the Camino de Santiago is an experience that you will never forget in your life, something that any pilgrim can assure you. The Camino will never move from there, it will always be waiting for you when you want to come back if you decide to walk it again. When you need an escape, to leave everything behind for a few days to think and get away from the noise that surrounds you, the Camino will welcome you with open arms and its best face, like all pilgrims.


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