
What diet should you do during the Camino de Santiago?

A good diet is essential along the way to have strength and energy for the long stages

Lunch break on the Camino, image from Envato Elements

Lunch break on the Camino, image from Envato Elements

When we do the Camino de Santiago it is easy to forget about everything that is not walking and enjoying the experience, but it is important not to forget to maintain a balanced diet during all the stages until we reach Compostela.

Carrying out the Camino is a demanding experience for the body, regardless of our physical state. In the end, we are walking about 25 kilometers a day, and we are not used to that kind of exercise. This is a wear and tear on the body, which strives to give its maximum performance until we reach the next shelter. We have to recover all that energy later, and it is not worth much to carry a bag of Cheetos in the backpack to recharge.

The stage starts with breakfast

The pilgrim's schedule starts early to advance as much as possible of the stage in the morning. For that, it is essential to give breakfast the importance it deserves. We have to take literally that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

For that, it is not worth having a coffee for breakfast, far from it. You have to eat foods that have carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats, to face the stage with force. A coffee with milk and some toast with tomato and ham, or avocado and eggs, for example, would be a highly recommended combination to start the day. If we also include some seasonal fruit, we earn breakfast honors

If we don't eat much breakfast, we will soon lose energy. We can go into hypoglycemia and get dizzy. Just in case, it's a good idea to bring something to eat mid-morning. Raw, unsalted nuts, a cereal bar, and dried fruit are some of the best options for increasing your carbohydrate intake without a lot of sugar.

Eat during the Camino, image from Envato Elements

Eat during the Camino, image from Envato Elements

Rest at noon to regain strength

If you eat during the stage, it is best to have a light dish so as not to feel heavy as you continue the route. Choose foods that help increase energy without weighing you down. For example, you can combine a full salad with white meat or grilled fish. You can include carbohydrates such as rice, bread or potatoes, but in normal portions: they are not the main thing on the plate.

When we stop to eat is a good time to drink a good drink from our canteens, if we forget during the route. It will help us avoid fatigue and keep the body hydrated while we sweat and get warm. Also, there is no need to worry that we will run out of water before reaching the end of the stage because there are many natural and drinkable sources along the way.

After the stage, we have earned a good dinner

It is natural that, once the stage is over, we just want to rest. After arriving at the lodge and settling in, we can start thinking about dinner. In this case it does not have to be as light as the food. It is time to replenish the energy that the body has consumed, and the perfect opportunity to try the local cuisine.

Of course, you have to take into account a recommendation. If you don't want to suffer from stomach reflux and heartburn, don't go to bed right after dinner. It is better that the body has time to start digestion, otherwise it may be difficult for us to sleep. A good dinner includes a considerable portion of proteins and carbohydrates, since they are foods that are quickly digested.

Now you know what is the best distribution of meals throughout a day on the Camino. With these tips, your body will not notice the physical wear and tear of consuming so much energy to finish the day.

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