Camino de Santiago from Valladolid

Camino de Santiago from

Here you will find everything you need to know to do the Camino de Santiago from Valladolid, both the recommended routes and those tips that it never hurts to know.

Camino de Santiago from Valladolid
Catedral Valladolid | Wikicommons. Autor: Zarateman

Catedral Valladolid | Wikicommons. Autor: Zarateman

Why do the Camino de Santiago from Valladolid?

The Camino de Santiago attracts thousands of pilgrims from all over the world year after year. It is not surprising given its rich history, deep spiritual meaning and the stunning natural beauty of the landscapes it passes through. The result is an unforgettable experience that goes beyond of simple adventure or tourism. Among the many routes that wind towards Santiago de Compostela, starting the journey from Valladolid is a curious option, to say the least, steeped in history, culture and a unique connection with the heart of Santiago de Compostela. Spain. 

What can we find when doing the Camino de Santiago from Valladolid? What is the city's connection to pilgrimage? The main point is found in the city itself, with a very important historical and cultural legacy. There are several reasons why you could start the Camino de Santiago from here. Is it worth it? The short answer is yes, specifically if we value the prospects of a very special route.

The connection of the Camino de Santiago with Valladolid

Valladolid, located in the heart of Castilla y León, has a special connection with the Camino de Santiago and more specifically with the Camino de Madrid. This route may not sound like much to you, since it is one of the most unknown and least traveled, but it has an unquestionable historical heritage and natural beauty beyond any doubt. The Camino de Santiago route from Valladolid will offer It will offer pilgrims who venture there a unique experience, allowing them to explore a region of Spain that encapsulates the essence of its history and culture.

Valladolid gained a very important relevance from the Middle Ages onwards, becoming one of the most prominent centers of the country's panorama at a political and economic level. As far as the Camino de Santiago is concerned, the city will play a very important role for those pilgrims who leave from the center of the peninsula. In addition, Valladolid also stands out for its great connection with other routes that lead to Santiago. 

Along with its historical and cultural value, Valladolid acts as a strategic connection point on the Camino de Madrid, facilitating access to other routes, something we have already mentioned. Therefore, the connection of Valladolid with the Camino de Santiago is not only a question of geography, but also of history, culture and spirituality.

Valladolid | Wikicommons. Autor: Góngora

Valladolid | Wikicommons. Autor: Góngora

Routes available from Valladolid

Starting the Camino de Santiago from Valladolid will open us up. It will be the door to all kinds of routes that will end in the cathedral square. Each of these routes has its own characteristics, landscapes and historical heritage. Although it is true that Valladolid is not located directly on any of the main routes of the Camino de Santiago, its position allows pilgrims to connect with different paths: 

Road to Madrid

From Valladolid we can find the route that connects Madrid with Sahagún, and where it joins the French Way. From the city of Castilla y León, and heading south, we will join the Camino de Madrid starting from Segovia. What we will find along this route does not disappoint, highlighting its mountains from the Sierra de Guadarrama, to the immense Castilian plains. Of course, there will also be no shortage of historical monuments and little-traveled roads that make your journey easier.

French Way

Although it is true that the French Way does not pass directly through Valladolid, pilgrims leaving from León can go to León. From this point you will be able to join the main route that passes through the French Way, and one of the most popular due to its cultural and social richness. Unlike the Camino de Madrid, the Camino Francés is one of the busiest routes, so it is advisable to prepare well everything related to shelters, equipment, etc.

Southeast Road-Vía de la Plata

If you want a different experience from the usual ones on the Camino de Santiago, from the south of Valladolid we can get it as we join the Camino del Sureste, or also known as Vía de la Plata. This route runs through Spain from Seville to Santiago, and is one of the most peculiar of the entire catalog of options available to the pilgrim. If you are looking for a route that explores in depth the cultural and natural diversity of western Spain, passing from Extremadura, Castilla y León, as well as like Galicia, it is the best of the alternatives. 

Valladolid | Wikicommons. Autor: Fernando Pascullo

Valladolid | Wikicommons. Autor: Fernando Pascullo

All the stages of the Camino de Santiago from Valladolid

Stages of the Camino de Madrid from Valladolid

Since Valladolid is not You will be directly on the Camino de Madrid, but if you want to connect with this route, you should head towards Segovia as we already indicated above. As for the general scheme of stages from here, the stages are as follows:

  • Segovia to Santa María la Real de Nieva (approximately 30 km)
  • Santa María la Real from Nieva to Coca (approximately 21 km)
  • Coca to Alcazarén (approximately 50 km, you will probably need to split this stage)
  • Alcazarén to Puente Duero (approximately 22 km)

Once you reach Puente Duero, near Valladolid, your next step will be Continue north and join the French Way in León or continue west towards the Vía de la Plata.

Stages of the French Way from Valladolid

To continue your journey from Valladolid, the most sensible thing would be to join the French Way; The best alternative option is to travel first to León and start from here. As far as the stages are concerned, we will take into account: 

  • León to San Martín del Camino (approximately 24 km)
  • San Martín del Camino to Astorga (approximately 23 km)
Valladolid | Wikicommons. Autor: Jorge Franganillo

Valladolid | Wikicommons. Autor: Jorge Franganillo

Once we arrive in Astorga, we will only have to follow the traditional stages of the Camino Frances to Santiago. 

Stages via de la Plata from Valladolid

To connect the Vía de la Plata from Valladolid, the route is somewhat more complex than the previous routes. We will start by heading south, starting from here. in Salamanca or Zamora

  • Salamanca to Calzada de Valdunciel (approximately 17 km)
  • Valdunciel Causeway to El Cubo de la Tierra del Vino (approximately 22 km)

From this point the only thing we will need is to continue along the usual stages from the Vía de la Plata towards the north, towards Santiago.

How to travel the Camino de Santiago from Valladolid?

Traveling the Camino de Santiago from Valladolid does not pose any obstacles as it is done in multiple ways. For obvious reasons, the ship will be This is the only way we cannot travel this route. With several hundred kilometers to Santiago, the ways to get to the city and therefore to the cathedral will be on foot, the best known and most widespread; going by bicycle, motorcycle or even on horseback. 

Of course, pilgrims who decide to opt for this last method to get to Santiago may find themselves with the unpleasant surprise that the terrain may not be adapted, in addition to adequate accommodation for horses. < /p>

Valladolid | Wikicommons. Autor: Roinpa

Valladolid | Wikicommons. Autor: Roinpa

When to do the Camino de Santiago from Valladolid?

There is no better time than another to do the Camino de Santiago. There are many factors that depend when choosing the time of trip: vacations, the possibility of matching dates with other traveling companions, and a long etcetera. However, if we had to choose a specific time of the year, it would without a doubt be spring. 

The reasons are very simple. In summer we find extremely high temperatures, especially if we choose to start so far south of Spain. On the contrary, in winter the temperatures are much colder which can make it difficult to move along the path, encountering factors such as rain, wind and in some cases snow that can make the pilgrimage worse.  ;

Spring, however, offers a perfect temperature to do the Camino de Santiago. Mild temperatures, both in the morning and at night, something that is undoubtedly appreciated. 

Where to sleep and where to eat?

This point is closely linked to the previous one since depending on the time of year chosen to travel we will find the accommodations more or less occupied. It is important therefore that our first step, along with choosing the time of year, is to get an idea of the planning during the trip and prepare reservations in hostels and hostels. 

As far as gastronomy is concerned, the Camino de Santiago offers no problems whatsoever. Even starting your trip from Valladolid, the Camino de Santiago is full of places where the most varied cuisine is offered depending on the region, meat and fish once we are further north will be the main protagonists of the dishes.< /p>

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