Doing the Way of Saint James from Zamora

Camino de Santiago from

Discover everything you need to do the Camino de Santiago from the city of Zamora: distance, routes, monuments and tips.

Doing the Way of Saint James from Zamora
Catedral de Zamora - Wikimedia Commons/Fernando Losada Rodríguez

Catedral de Zamora - Wikimedia Commons/Fernando Losada Rodríguez

Why do the Way of Saint James from Zamora?

Zamora is one of those points where several routes of the Camino de Santiago meet and give the pilgrim the option to choose one or the other. The most important is the Via de la Plata, which originates in Seville, but starting in Zamora is also a good option. Another lesser known option, but just as interesting, is the Camino Sanabrés, which is a variant of the Vía de la Plata, but which deviates towards the mountains of southern Galicia. Both routes cover a similar distance to Santiago.

It is one of the most emblematic cities of Castilla y León and, like many of them, it has a great historical importance behind. In it we can find the best preserved urban Romanesque of the entire peninsula, with about twenty buildings of this style.

What to take into account before doing the Camino from Zamora?

Before starting our trip we must take into account many aspects, such as the time of the year in which we will do it or the different accommodation options.

As we have already mentioned before, both routes from Zamora to Santiago de Compostela are more or less equally long. From this city there are 353 km to the Galician capital and depending on the route we choose we will have to walk more or less stages.

Iglesia de San Juan Bautista de Zamora - Wikimedia Commons/Jl FilpoC

Iglesia de San Juan Bautista de Zamora - Wikimedia Commons/Jl FilpoC

All the stages of the Way of St. James from Zamora

If you choose to follow the Vía de la Plata, you will have to follow the following stages:

  • Stage 1: Zamora - Montamarta (18.6 km).
  • Stage 2: Montamarta - Granja de la Moreruela (22.9 km) 
  • Stage 3: Granja de la Moreruela - Benavente (27.2 km)
  • Stage 4: Benavente - Alija del Infantado (20.5 km)
  • Stage 5: Alija del Infantado - La Bañeza (22.1 km)
  • Stage 6: La Bañeza - Astorga (24.2 km)

Once in Astorga, you must take the French Way to continue your journey to your final destination in Santiago de Compostela.

On the other hand, if you decide to take the Camino Sanabrés, you will have to follow the following route.

  • Stage 1: Granja de Moreruela - Tábara (25 km)
  • Stage 2: Tábara - Santa Marta de Tera (23 km)
  • Stage 3: Santa Marta de Tera - Mombuey (36 km)
  • Stage 4: Mombuey - Puebla De Sanabria (31 km)
  • Stage 5: Puebla De Sanabria - Lubián (28 km)
  • Stage 6: Lubián - A Gudiña (25 km)
  • Stage 7: A Gudiña - Laza (34 km)
  • Stage 8: Laza - Xunqueira de Ambía (32 km)
  • Stage 9: Xunqueira de Ambía - Ourense (22 km)
  • Stage 10: Ourense - Cea (22 km)
  • Stage 11: Cea - A Laxe (37 km)
  • Stage 12: A Laxe - Outeiro (33 km)
  • Stage 13: Outeiro - Santiago (16 km)

How to walk the Way of Saint James from Zamora?

The Way of St. James from Zamora is recommended to be done on foot or by bicycle, although the latter option can be a little uphill in some stages of the Galician mountains.

In both cases the distance necessary to obtain the Compostela is comfortably covered.

When to do the Camino de Santiago from Zamora?

Summer in Galicia is always milder, so it is the best option to take into account although at this time it is highly recommended to avoid walking during the central hours of the day, and for this the best option is to get up early. It will also help us to avoid the crowds that usually occur at this time of year.

Another option to consider, if you want to avoid overcrowding, is to do the Camino in spring or September, and most of the services are open at this time of year.

Sopa de ajo - Wikimedia Commons/Xemenendura

Sopa de ajo - Wikimedia Commons/Xemenendura

Where to sleep and where to eat?

There are a large number of hostels for pilgrims in the area, all of them have very well equipped facilities and are well rated by pilgrims. In addition, several of them are located in the city center or very close to it. We can also find other accommodation options, if the pilgrim prefers.

On the other hand, the gastronomic offer is very wide and varied, pilgrims will not find problems to eat. As outstanding dishes of this town we have the zamorana rice, garlic soups or zamorano stew.

How to get to Zamora to do the Camino de Santiago?

The city of Zamora is located 255 km from Madrid, with which it is connected by a bus line and a train, which takes just over an hour to arrive and makes several trips a day.

To go from other closer cities such as Salamanca (64 km) or Benavente (68 km), it is recommended to travel by road, either by private vehicle or public transport.

How to return home from Santiago de Compostela when we finish the Camino?

The Galician capital is one of the best connected cities with the rest of Spain. On the one hand, we have the Lavacolla airport just 11 kilometers from the city, which can be reached by an intercity bus that picks up passengers every half hour from the center. It has connections both nationally and with some important European capitals. On the other hand, from Rúa do Hórreo you can access the new intermodal station -bus and train- that connects pilgrims with cities all over Spain.

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