Do the Camino de Santiago from Almería

Camino de Santiago from

We tell you everything you need to know to do the Mozárabe Camino from Almería: tips, secrets, places to sleep, what to see and how long it will take to get to Santiago de Compostela.

Do the Camino de Santiago from Almería
Almería | Pixabay

Almería | Pixabay

Why choose Almería to do the Camino de Santiago?

Doing the Camino de Santiago is full of options. We have all types of routes adjusted to the needs of each pilgrim as well as with different points of interest. However, one of the most striking is the Camino Mozárabe, known not only for its length, but also for inviting us to travel this path from Almería.

This is a tough route, although its complexity is worth it. After all, we have a path that invites us to pass through the historic center of the capital to Huéneja. Incredible landscapes, privileged views and, of course, a unique story that will fascinate all pilgrims, despite being fraught with danger.

We must remember that Almería was incorporated into the crown of Castile in the year 1489. Until then, during periods of peace, Christians risked traveling the almost 190 kilometers that separated them from the capital of Granada to, in this way, way, to be able to start your path. For this reason, this path preserves a unique and fascinating historical legacy, as well as a great heritage weight.

When to do the Camino de Santiago from Almería? What to take into account?

When doing the Camino de Santiago from Almería, one of the first points that we must keep in mind is that it should not be done in the heat of the season. It is not that it is not possible to do so, but we must take into account the high temperatures reached in the south of Spain. This will not only cause discomfort during the route, but hydration will be a fundamental part along the way.

In addition to this, it will be extremely important to be equipped with material to perform treatments as well as choose appropriate socks and footwear for the trail. This is extremely important if you choose to do the hike in a hot month, because the skin can be irritated as well as damaged by the footwear.

How to travel the Camino de Santiago from Almería?

In order to be able to travel the Camino de Santiago and have the Compostelana delivered to us, we must keep in mind that there is a minimum distance to be done to be able to do it by bicycle and it is 200 km. A distance that, in this case, is more than met. Therefore, it is a perfect route for those who want to travel the route by bicycle, although we must not forget its difficulty.

Of course, it is a route that all cyclists will enjoy because there are areas with dirt tracks as well as asphalt. And luckily for the pilgrims, it doesn't have marked unevenness either. Therefore, it is a unique route for all pilgrims, especially because they can adapt to their situation and not feel that, after finishing the route, they cannot receive the Compostelana due to problems due to lack of route.

The stages of the Mozárabe Way from Almería

When taking this path, we must know that it will not have great difficulty. However, this is compensated by an extensive route, so it will be important for all pilgrims to be prepared, both to take rest points and, in itself, to wear comfortable shoes as well as a well-equipped backpack to be able to travel the path of the pilgrimage. best possible way.

  • Stage 1: Almería - Santa Fe de Mondújar (25 km)
  • Stage 2: Santa Fe de Mondújar - Albodoluy (15 km)
  • Stage 3: Albodoluy - Abla (28 km)
  • Stage 4: Abla - Huéneja (26 km)
  • Stage 5: Huéneja - Alquife (21 km)
  • Stage 6: Alquife - Guadix (22 km)
  • Stage 7: Guadix - La Peza (20 km)
  • Stage 8: La Peza - Quéntar (23 km)
  • Stage 9: Quéntar - Granada (20 km)
  • Stage 10: Granada - Pinos Puente (19 km)
  • Stage 11: Pinos Puente - Moclín (16 km)
  • Stage 12: Moclín - Alcalá la Real (22 km)
  • Stage 13: Alcalá la Real - Alcaudete (24 km)
  • Stage 14: Alcaudete - Baena (25 km)
  • Stage 15: Baena - Castro de Río (20 km)
  • Stage 16: Castro de Río - Santa Cruz (21 km)
  • Stage 17: Santa Cruz - Córdoba (23 km)
  • Stage 18: Córdoba - Cerro Muriano (16.5 km)
  • Stage 19: Cerro Muriano - Villaharta (20 km)
  • Stage 20: Villaharta - Alcaracejos (35 km)
  • Stage 21: Alcaracejos - Hinojosa del Duque (21.5 km)
  • Stage 22: Hinojosa del Duque - Monterrubio de la Serena (31.5 km)
  • Stage 23: Monterrubio de la Serena - Castuera (18 km)
  • Stage 24: Castuera - Campanario (22 km)
  • Stage 25: Campanario - Medellín (36 km)
  • Stage 26: Medellín - San Pedro de Mérida (29 km)
  • Stage 27: San Pedro de Mérida - Mérida (16 km)

From stage 27 onwards, the path joins the Vía de la Plata. In this way, pilgrims will continue to enjoy a unique path that, of course, will help them complete the route to Santiago.

Where to sleep and eat?

As we have indicated, it is a long route. While difficulty may not be an issue, it is extremely important to keep in mind that a break will be needed. In this way, we will guarantee that our feet as well as our body take the necessary rest to be able to resist the rest of the journey.

In this case, we strongly recommend viewing the route as well as finding out about all the points such as hostels or hotel areas that provide rest areas. Do not hesitate to take a look at information points on where to sleep and eat in the Almería area as well as other points of interest on the Camino.

How to get home from Santiago de Compostela when you finish the Camino?

Due to the great success of the Camino de Santiago, the Galician capital has all kinds of connections to go to other areas of Spain as well as other European capitals. Therefore, not only can you access the bus or train station, but Santiago has the Lavacolla airport just 11 km from the city. To access this, there is the intercity bus, which passes every so often from the center to, in this way, move travelers in the most comfortable way.

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